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SEO for HumHub

The SEO module helps you optimize your HumHub network for search engines.

Screenshot 1: Module settings for administrators

1. Title and meta description

SEO mode allows you to navigate your network and easily add a meta description or override the SEO title to your pages. This works with all pages that have an SEO-friendly URL.

Title and meta description are translatable as described in the HumHub Documentation . The message category is SeoModule.custom

Legal Pages (Legal Tools Module)

To make your legal pages (privacy policy, terms of use and imprint) SEO friendly, please read my blog post in addition.

2. Sitemaps (beta)

The sitemap function must be activated in the module settings.
It only works if Guest access is activated in your HumHub network.

For each element, the time of the last change (as lastmod) is indicated.

What content are you missing? Let me know in the comments.

2.1 Sitemap Index

Screenshot 2

sitemap_index.xml links to up to 3 sitemaps:

  • sitemap_global.xml
  • sitemap_spaces.xml (if at least one space is visible to guests)
  • sitemap_useres.xml (if at least one user profile is visible to guests)

2.2 Global Sitemap

Screenshot 3

sitemap_global.xml lists the following contents:

  • Dashboard
  • Spaces (if not hidden via configuration)
  • Global Wiki Pages (if visible to guests)
  • Global Custom Pages (if visible to guests)
  • Global Calendar page (if shown in the top menu)
  • Legal Pages (as in the footer menu)
  • Members Map (if visible to guests)
  • Events Map

Since version 1.1.0

  • eCommerceproducts (if visible to guests)
  • eCommerce store (if at least 2 products are visible)

Of course, it is always checked whether the corresponding module is active.

2.3 Spaces Sitemap

sitemap_spaces.xml lists the following contents of public spaces:

  • Stream
  • About Page (if not hidden via configuration)
  • Wiki Pages (if visible to guests)
  • Custom Pages (if visible to guests)

2.4 Users Sitemap

sitemap_useres.xml lists the following contents of public user profiles:

  • Stream (if not disabled via configuration)
  • About Page (if visible to guests)
  • Wiki Pages (if visible to guests)
  • Custom Pages (if visible to guests)

3. Prevent search engines from indexing individual pages

Since version 1.1.0 this option is available in SEO mode. The page will then be given a noindex tag and it will no longer be listed in the sitemap.

It is the responsibility of the search engines to actually remove the page from their index.

  • SEO for HumHub

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